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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Bright

Interdisciplinary research

In 2021, we have had the benefit of having two great PhD candidates working at Therapy Box through our involvement in the Horizon 2020 TAPAS project. TAPAS is a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network European Training Network (MSCA-ITN-ETN) project that aims to transform the well being of these people. Via the University of Sheffield, Zhengjun Yue worked with the team working on the NIHR funded Language Explorer project. Zhengjun's work looked at the surprise finding in our dataset of parental scaffolding in children's language samples. This work leads to the Interspeech paper, Parental spoken scaffolding and narrative skills in crowdsourced storytelling samples, which will be presented in September.

Enno Hermann, who was based at the Idiap Research Institute, was then seconded to Therapy Box. Enno has undertaken important R&D work with the Therapy Box team building models to be used in future tools for monitoring speech fluency for people who stammer/stutter and for conducting phonemic transcriptions. Both secondments have provided the team with mutual learning opportunities and the building of relationships between industry and academia.

You can read more about the TAPAS consortium here

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