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Take photos and attach hotspots to create visual scene displays. Use images of your home, school or community for context-supported communication.


What are Visual Scenes and Who Can They Be Useful For?

Visual scenes are helpful tools that show pictures or videos of real-life situations. They make it easier for people, especially those with autism, learning difficulties, or speech challenges, to understand and communicate their thoughts. By using visual scenes, children and adults can better express themselves, learn new skills, and navigate their daily lives with more confidence.

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What Are the 4 Different Scene Types in Scene & Heard Pro?

Scene & Heard Pro offers four exciting types of visual scenes:


1. Video Visual Scenes: 

These scenes use short videos to bring situations to life, making learning dynamic and engaging.​​​

2. Image Visual Scenes:

Simple and clear images show specific activities or environments, helping users understand and remember important concepts.

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3. Hybrid Scenes:

Combining images and symbols, hybrid scenes provide a richer learning experience by blending different formats to capture attention.

4. Grid Scenes:

These scenes use a grid layout to display multiple images at once, making it easier for users to choose and communicate their preferences.​​

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Scene & Heard Pro is packed with features that support communication and learning:

Visual Timetable

Create easy-to-follow schedules that show what activities are coming up, helping users stay organised and prepared.

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Communication Books

Make personalised communication books from scenes which can be shared and printed.

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Share Scenes

Easily share scenes with teachers, family, or friends, so everyone can support the user's communication journey.


Transition to Literacy

Helps users build early reading skills by connecting images with written words


Our Collaboration with the AAC RERC

Therapy Box collaboration with RERC on AAC

The RERC on AAC is a collaborative centre committed to advancing knowledge and producing innovative engineering solutions in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). We welcomed the expertise and feedback of the team during our development of this app.

Scene & Heard Pro is an exciting addition to the AAC field! It is a powerful, easy to learn tool to support language and literacy development and enhance communication and community participation. The app incorporates cutting edge research by the RERC on AAC team to improve outcomes for people with complex communication needs.
Professors Janice Light and David McNaughton - RERC on AAC

Image by Marek Levák

Find out more with the User Guide 


Scene + Heard Pro is available to purchase as a subscription in-app purchase. 

Scene and Heard Pro

Yearly Subscription

£59.99/$59.99, 1 month free, auto-renewing

Scene and Heard Pro

Monthly Subscription

£8.99/$8.99, 1 month free, auto-renewing


Scene & Heard Pro Lifetime is an upfront purchase version which is compatible with volume purchase.

Scene and Heard Pro

Scene & Heard Pro Lifetime


Clicking on a Tablet

How to get Scene & Heard Pro

Scene and Heard Pro

Scene & Heard Pro

  • Compatible with iOS 14, 15 and 16 (and soon iOS 17)

  • Available for iPad

Scene & Heard visual scene
Scene and Heard Pro

Scene & Heard Pro
iPad Bundles

  • Options available for Scene & heard on an iPad set up to meet your requirements with ruggedised cases and speakers.

  • Contact to discuss your requirements

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